
Nanobubble-Powered Treatment Solutions

Oxyfusion™ submersible

Infusing water with concentrated pure Oxygen at nano level (<100 nanometer)

nanobubble generator
nanobubble properties

Why is Nanobubbles Oxygenation superior?

Water for Better Farming

Conventional aeration treatment

  • Short lifespan in water (seconds or minutes)
  • Low gas transfer in irrigation water (4-6 mg/Litre)
  • High energy consumption required for chillers
  • Very low oxidation potential

Nanobubble Oxygenation

  • Long life span of nanobubbles in water (months)
  • High gas transfer efficiency (up to 20 mg/Litre)
  • Low energy consumption (2.5 kW – 4.5 kW per machine)
  • Very high oxidation potential

Conventional chemical treatment

  • Expensive UV / RO systems not effective against biofilm formation
    Chemicals unable to disinfect the entire water system and leaves residues in plants

Nanobubble Oxidation Treatment

  • Oxidation continuously active along the entire pipping system
  • Safely & efficiently oxidizes pathogens and prevents biofilm protecting plant roots
  • Ozone nanobubble treatment can substitute to UV-sanitation at lower cost & better performance

Irrigation and hydroponics:
Oxyfusion™ crop yield enhancement

High yielding, healthier and better tasting crops

  • Pathogen removal and biofilm prevention
  • High dissolved oxygen irrigation water
  • Higher nutrient uptake
  • Better root structures

Nanobubble-Powered Solutions

Sample Nanobubble Oxygen Generators in Action

dubai municipality tree nursery oxy15
Dubai Municipality Tree Nursery (Oxy15)
cucumber greenhouse oxy15
Cucumber Greenhouse (Oxy15)
tomato greenhouse oxy25
Tomato Greenhouse (Oxy25)

Nanobubble-powered solutions

Sample Nanobubble oxygen generators in action

production strawberries

Up to +19%

Strawberries Production

production leafies

Up to +30%

Leafies Production

production nursery trees

Up to +38%

Nursery Trees Growth

production carrots

Up to +56%

Carrots Production

production cucumbers

Up to +60%

Cucumbers Weight

A future of sustainable water regeneration

icon 1 without chemicals

Without chemicals

icon 2 without creating undesirable residuals in water

Without creating undesirable residue in water

icon 4 low energy consumption

Intelligent & Remotely controlled

icon 6 without biological agents

Low energy consumption

icon 5 simple installation and low cost operation

Simple installation and low cost operation

icon 7 without uv

Without biological agents

icon 3 intelligent remote controlled

Without UV

icon 8 without ultrasound

Without ultrasound

icon 9 low noise

Low noise

icon 10 without infrastructure works

Without infrastructure work

Contact us today!