Nanobubbles water Treatment
Revolutionize Your Water Management with Oxyfusion™ Technology
Water -
our precious resource
Now, there’s a proven natural scientific solution that empowers nature. Using proven technology, Homeport achieves harmony in water management wherever water is used, with a 100% natural, additive free and low cost solution for resource managers:
Ultrafine Oxyfusion™.
A naturally regenerative solution
The problems of costly maintenance, poor quality and environmental impact associated with bad water are all too evident. With Homeport, resource managers have a turnkey managed solution for regenerating water assets, and the results speak for themselves.
We cannot create more water, but we can make water purer by reducing toxins, heavy metals and other contaminants that lead to algae blooms, bad odour, and oxygen depletion. Traditionally, this was achieved by aeration or chemical additives, but these solutions created longer-term issues that require constant re-balancing at a high cost in terms of the environment and business finances.
Homeport Oxyfusion™ systems introduce nano scale multi-gas Ultrafine Bubbles into water bodies to redress the balance of over-stressed water and return it to a naturally clean and chemical-free resource. Using advanced science combined with expert engineering, Homeport systems are plug and play units that continuously treat any body of water – with fantastic results for agriculture, waste water treatment and many other industries.
A naturally regenerative solution

Creating safe productive water

Breaking down heavy metals

Increasing dissolved oxygen

Eliminating bacteria

Eliminating algae

Removing foul smells
Water problems
The environment and climate change are at the top of the global and business agenda, maintaining our natural resources is our highest priority. For millennia, we have considered water to be self-sustaining and endless, but with modern demands on the water cycle throughout every industry, our legacy methods of maintaining this most precious natural resource are stressing the system.
Chemical additives, mechanical aeration and rising temperatures can all create stressed water – water that is no longer fit for purpose and that requires increasing intervention to maintain its efficacy. Where we once believed that adding chemicals to water was the solution, we now know that water only requires one thing – to be as pure as possible.
Homeport Ultrafine Oxyfusion™ systems provide an elegant solution to impure water problems by adding gas via Ultrafine Bubbles to stressed water – eliminating the need for expensive chemicals, increasing the purity of the water cycle, and reducing costs.
Water problems
Oxyfusion™ Ultrafine Bubble technology
The science behind purer water
Things change at a nano level. Homeport Ultrafine Bubbles provide a vastly increased surface area for gaseous dissolution and sterilization compared to naturally occurring bubbles. Nano technology works at the interface of molecular activity, where classic Newtonian physics gives way to quantum forces.
Ultrafine Bubbles sustain for up to three months in water, interacting with non-water molecules wherever they meet them. The negative charge of Ultrafine Bubbles means that chemicals are ionized to become inactive – taking pollutants from the water and allowing good bacteria to use the nitrogen in inert contaminants to re-enter the life cycle.

Unrivaled multi-gas delivery

Powerful oxidation

Even dispersal

Long lifetimes
Fizzical Therapy
Universities around the world have carried out studies into the power of Ultrafine Bubble science at a nano level, proving the impact that Homeport technology has on any body of water. When Ultrafine Bubbles interact with impurities of any kind in water, an implosion happens on a nano scale.
Homeport Ultrafine Bubbles release energy in this implosive interaction, generating more heat than on the surface of the sun, but at a nano scale. It is this physical interaction that degrades the chemical bonds of waterborn pollutants, ionizing them and degrading them into their component elements to be re-used by naturally occurring bacteria in the water to produce clean, clear water.
Natural disinfection occurs from Hydroxyl radicals that are formed
in Ultrafine Bubbles. These Hydroxyl radicals attack essential cell
components and are lethal to pathogenic viruses and bacteria, resulting in a naturally pure and completely efficient way of neutralizing pathogens and disinfecting water and its containing structures.
Fizzical Therapy

Engineered for the environment
Homeport advanced technology is completely self-contained in robust units that require power and nothing else. With a low-power input, Homeport units are true plug & play systems with reliable, sustainable, environmental performance levels.
Homeport systems operate remotely and with low maintenance requirements. The in-built gaseous extraction systems mean that a variety of gases can be used, with the system self-generating, self-sustaining, and self-reporting.
Homeport OxyfusionTM systems are a fully partnered solution for water resource managers, with water targets agreed with customers to deliver optimum water quality and key performance success. By being able to monitor performance consistently, our service contracts are designed to deliver long-term benefits that can only be achieved by working together.
Homeport delivers a full, holistic service concentrated on Ultrafine Bubble technology that delivers results and continues to deliver over the course of long term partnerships.

Fully managed service solutions

Cloud based for remote monitoring

Quiet Self-Contained Low Power

Integrated gas production
Empowering nature
Homeport systems bring the power of life to functional water bodies.
With a truly environmentally beneficial approach, Homeport systems work relentlessly to revitalize water.
By eliminating the majority of water-borne contaminants, both natural and added, Homeport’s Oxyfusion™ system rebalances the natural harmony of water swiftly, and continues to do so over time. Increased oxygen levels mean that your water looks purer, smells purer and is more efficient at sustaining the life it naturally supports. With Homeport, water is simply purer.
Homeport provides the modern, ecological solution to traditional and
legacy problems with water management. A long-term solution to longterm problems, Homeport’s OxyfusionTM systems deliver natural results from advanced technology that functions at a nano scale to restore balance to water systems.
The benefits of Homeport system installations are many, from cost savings to increased yield, as well as the restoration of water to its natural state.Ultrafine Bubble technology empowers nature to return to its homeostasis, making water all it should be: Pure.
+47 418 57 700